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发布日期:2023-03-02    作者:     来源:美高梅mgm1888     点击:


中国疫苗行业协会疫苗学教育专委会主任委员,中国老年保健协会疫苗与健康分会主任委员。中华预防医学会健康生活方式与社区卫生专委会委员、疫苗与免疫分会委员。《Hum Vaccin Immunother》《Frontiers in Immunology》《热带医学杂志》《微生物学免疫学进展》《国际病毒学杂志》《预防医学》副主编或编委。中国疫苗学教学研讨会、疫苗学融合创新论坛、大学生疫苗学设计和知识推广项目主要发起人。主讲《疫情下的公共卫生》获批浙江省一流课程,并连续三学期入选智慧树通识课程TOP100。

主编《疫苗与免疫》《懂疫苗 少生病 更健康》《父母少生病 儿女更安心——老年人疫苗接种》多部教材或专著(人民卫生出版社)。以第一或通讯作者在Lancet Public Health、JAMA Netw Open、J Infect、中华医学杂志等学术期刊发表40+篇论文。以第一及主要成员等身份多次获得省、市级科学技术奖。









1.疫情常态化背景下疫苗犹豫特征及应对研究. 国家社科基金年度一般项目(22BGL316). 主持人(2022-2025)

2.A multi-centric, e-databased, longitudinal study on the burden of Herpes Zoster (HZ) and its complications in Chinese general population and immunocompromised population. GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals SA, Belgium. Chief Investigator(2021-2025)


1. Zhan S, Lin H, Yang Y, Chen T, Mao S, Fu C. Investigating non-specific effects of the Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine on lower respiratory tract infections in children aged 25-35 months. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 2024(通讯作者)

2.Chen T, Wang H, Lin H, Liu J, Fu C. Estimating the prevalence of immunocompromising conditions and primary immunodeficiency disorders in the Chinese population. J Infect 2024(通讯作者)

3. Wei Z, Liu Y, Zhang L, Sun X, Jiang Q, Li Z, Wu Y, Fu C. Stages of HPV Vaccine Hesitancy Among Guardians of Female Secondary School Students in China. J Adolesc Health 2023通讯作者

4.毛升,范晨璐,傅传喜.慢性病人群带状疱疹发病及经济负担研究进展.中华医学杂志 2022(通讯作者)

5.中国疫苗行业协会疫苗学教育专业委员会.开展中国疫苗学科教育 培育大健康理念医学人才.中华预防医学杂志 2021(通讯作者)

6. Sun X, Lin H, Mark J, Li zhen, Fu C. Incidence and disease burden of herpes zoster in population aged ≥50 years: data from an integrated health care network in China. J Infect 2021(通讯作者)

7. Fu C, Dong Z, Shen J, Yang Z, Liao Y, Hu W, Pei S, Wang M, Shaman J. Rotavirus Gastroenteritis Infection Among Children Vaccinated and Unvaccinated With Rotavirus Vaccine in Southern China: A Population-based Assessment. JAMA Network Open 2018(第一兼通讯)

8. Fu C, Guo Q. Road traffic injuries in shared bicycle riders in China. Lancet Public Health 2018(第一兼通讯)

9. Fu C, J. Shen, L. Lu, Y. Li, Y. Cao, M. Wang, S. Pei, Z. Yang, Q. Guo, and J. Shaman. Pre-Vaccination Evolution of Antibodies among Infants 0, 3 and 6 Months of Age: a Longitudinal Analysis of Measles, Enterovirus 71 and Coxsackievirus 16. Vaccine 2017(第一兼通讯)

10.Li M, Zeng XW, Qian ZM, Vaughn MG, Sauvé S, Paul G, Lin S, Lu L, Hu LW, Yang BY, Zhou Y, Qin XD, Xu SL, Bao WW, Zhang YZ, Yuan P, Wang J, Zhang C, Tian YP, Nian M, Xiao X, Fu C, Dong GH. Isomers of perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS) in cord serum and birth outcomes in China: Guangzhou Birth Cohort Study. Environ Int 2017(并列通讯)

11. Fu C, Wang S. Nosocomial infection control in healthcare settings: Protection against emerging infectious diseases. Infectious Diseases of Poverty 2016(第一作者)

12. Fu C, Xu J, Lin J, Wang M, Li K, Ge J and Thompson MG. Concurrent and cross-season protection of inactivated influenza vaccine against A(H1N1)pdm09 illness among young children: 2012-2013 case-control evaluation of influenza vaccine effectiveness. Vaccine 2015(第一兼并列通讯)

13.Wang M, Fu C, Zheng B. Antibodies against H5 and H9 avian influenza among poultry workers in China. N Engl J Med 2009(第二作者)

14. Fu CWang M, Liang J, He T, Wang D, Xu J. Effectiveness of Lanzhou Lamb Rotavirus vaccine against rotavirus gastroenteritis requiring hospitalization: a matched case-control study. Vaccine 2007(第一作者)

15.傅传喜,马文军,邓惠鸿,许锐恒,陈泽池,许燕君,王声湧.居民社会经济状况与心血管病危险因素的关系.中国公共卫生 2003(第一作者)
